
Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Start of it All. (aka Anti Valentine's Day).

Two years ago, I made a spur of the moment trip to Virginia. I had an opportunity to get away from the Valentine's Day Hype. Now most single girls know that Valentine's Day is not fun for Single Ladies. It's a constant reminder of how Alone we are, and that is Not a fun reminder. Two years ago, I was 23 turning 24, and I loved being single, but even an Independent woman who Loves being free with no attachments would like to receive flowers or at least a candy bar on Valentine's Day.

So, I took off! I made a mad dash to O'Hare airport, jumped on a flight, and landed in Norfolk, Virginia to spend some quality time with my bestie, Mrs D. Valentine's Day weekend marked 9 months since I had last seen her, who had up and moved out to Virginia on a lark, for none other than... you guessed it A BOY.

However this V-Day, Mrs D, was spending it alone while said Guy was on a Deployment. She had great party plans arranged for my arrival including an Anti-Valentine's Day. Oh yes, that's right. Anti -Vday for all the single people and people who couldn't be with their Significant Others. Six people gathered for a nice lil house party, 3 guys and 3 girls. Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl - how cozy!

Well, it was rather cozy, very quickly for me, because within 20 mins. I was outside the house talking to my mom on the phone telling her "I met someone" and he was outside sitting on the front porch telling his friend, "I'm gonna marry that girl".

Love at first sight isn't just a fairy tale. Who Knew?!?! The rest of the weekend gave me 5 days to get to know my Prince Charming.

When all is said and done, my story starts at that moment. The moment I ran away from Valentine's Day and ran SMACK into Love.

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